

While I was reading e-mail, Sarah called to me from the living room, "Mommy! Will you read this Bible to me?"

"Sure!" I said. "Bring it in here!"

She walked into the den and handed me Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.


At 4:07 AM, Blogger Jenn said...

You may be spending too much time reading that!

At 8:55 AM, Blogger Rebecca said...

Yeah, we just started it!

At 3:29 PM, Blogger Roxanne said...


Crab boil is something that you throw in a pot of boiling water to season crabs, shrimp, crawfish (aka: crayfish, crawdad's, mudbugs), etc. The best is made by Zatarain's, and it normally comes on the seasonings aisle at a grocery store. It comes in liquid (super concentrated) or a bag of spices. Both have the same effect---it's just with the liquid you don't have the bag floating around.

Raw frozen shrimp will do in a pinch--they turn pink like all the other.

There are directions on the crab boil for how much to use for how many pounds of shrimp in how much water. It's spicy, so you might want to boil some in just plain salt water for your babies. You'll also want to up the water and spice content if you throw in vegetables to boil with it.

We put a whole, uncut jalapeno (optional) into a pot with the correct amount of water along with small white or red potatoes (whole with skins), and the crab boil (chunks of corn on the cob are also good to use). Bring the water to a rolling boil and add the mushrooms. . .let them boil for three minutes then add the shrimp. After you add the shrimp, you'll have to bring the water to a boil again and let them boil for no more than five minutes. Remove all of it from the water and dump all of it into a big bowl. Set that big bowl on the table and prepare to. . .


(I also have a really easy recipe for cocktail sauce if you want that too. . .ketchup, lemon juice, horseradish, and Worschester sauce. . .yummy. I store the leftovers in an empty ketchup bottle for later.)

At 3:41 PM, Blogger Roxanne said...

Stalker here. . .out of curiosity, do your twin girls call EACH OTHER "Sissy" or does just Anna call Sarah "Sissy?" Being COMPLETELY nosey. . .twins intrique me. AND I call my own sister "Sissy" (her real name is Suzanne.)


At 5:55 PM, Blogger Rebecca said...

Roxanne (aka stalker:)--

Thanks so much for answering my question! I love the crawfish boils we used to go to in Louisiana. It never occurred to me to ask how they did it. I'm going to try it this week.

Oh, and they both call each other Sissy, and Jonah calls them Sissy, and we call them Sissy, and their little two-year-old friends also call them Sissy-- I think it has to do with people having trouble telling them apart. Nobody seems to be calling Naiah 'Sissy' yet.

At 6:39 PM, Blogger Roxanne said...

I have some friends--actually a teacher from high school--who had two girls about 20 months apart. Four years later they had a boy. He called the girls "The Sisters," and they called him "The Boy."

We had our daughter first and call her "The Girl." Then our son became "The Boy."

Doesn't matter what you 'em as as long as you call 'em.

Oh--the crab boil/jalapeno combo can make the air a bit spicy as well. . .so either do it outside (if you have that option) or ventilate the kitchen while you cook it.

AND I am originally from NORTHEASTERN Louisiana. . .not Cajun country, but still in the same state.


At 7:10 PM, Blogger Rebecca said...

That's so true! Jason and I say "the boy," "the girls" and sometimes even "that one." They might mind it when they get older, but not so far.


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