
Student Drivers

When I was sixteen, my dad helped me learn to drive. During each session, he did his level best to keep calm and above all, not yell. But inevitably, the trip ended up with him screaming something along the lines of "Brake! BRAKE!" and with me wishing I could give up driving altogether. I promised myself that I would never raise my voice when my kids were learning to drive.

Well, the girls are four now, and they're learning to use the computer and mouse. Yesterday, I was helping them play a game online with Diego, from Nick Jr.

Sarah tried and tried to catch a jellyfish to feed poor Tuga the Seaturtle. I told her over and over again how to do it, domonstrated three times, guided her hand and fingers, explained some more... Finally I realized I was shouting, "CLICK AND HOLD! CLICK AND HOLD!"


At 5:56 AM, Blogger Unknown Preacher said...

That sounds soooooo familiar ;-)


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