
The Girl Who Flew to Mississippi

The Girl Who Flew to Mississippi
A Story by Sarah, age 4

Once upon a time there was a magic guy. And he waved his wand around to change people into something, or make something on their body that's not supposed to be on their body. And he said, "Abra Cadabra!" And a girl got wings.

She saw that she had wings, and she said, "Look! I have wings!" Then she asked her mom and dad, "Can I fly to Mississippi?"

And they said, "Of course!"

And she said, "Yay!" And she yelled "Wooooo!" (Her mom and dad let her yell in the house, even when the baby was sleeping, because their baby didn't wake up, even when kids yelled.)

And she started flapping her wings like this: Flap, flap, flap, flap, flap, flap. . . flap. . . And she got tired of flapping, so she stopped and sat on some grass. Then she flapped, flap, flap, flap, flap, and she saw a playground. And the playground was in Mississippi, and she saw monkey bars stuck to the slides! And she flied down and played on the playground.

And then. . . a BIG storm came! The kind that blows people away! But the girl wasn't afraid. She said, "I won't blow away."

(Anna: Why wouldn't she blow away?)

Because she was a very, very, very smart girl!

So she flied all the way back home to Ojai, because she lived in Ojai. And she told her mom and dad, "I went all the way to Mississippi, and I played on a playground where there were monkey bars stuck to the slides! And a big storm came. But I didn't blow away, because you know that I am a very, very, very smart girl."

Then she asked her mom and dad, "Can we go to a new playground that has monkey bars that go all the way from Ojai to Mississippi?"

And they said, "Yes!"

The End


At 11:37 AM, Blogger hestermom said...

Oh, and we wonder were she got that colorful imagination. It is so sweet...I love reading these stories, because our kids and the things they're doing remind me of what it would have been like when we were that age. You and I probably would have had a LOT of fun at age four. Fourteen was good too, just a little tumultuous.

At 10:51 PM, Blogger Rebecca said...

Yeah, it would have been fun to have a four year old friend. I don't think I had any friends until I went to school. We lived in the boonies.


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