
And We're Back, Mostly

Here's what we did:

Saturday: Drive twelve hours to Ojai. Sleep.

Sunday: (A.M.) Hang out with everybody at the Ojai church; Get challenged to spend our lives on "the least of these." (P.M.) Jason shares about what's happening in the church plant-- for ONE HOUR. And nobody walked out. Wow.

Monday: Catch up with close friends over coffee and sugar. Catch up with another good friend during a hair cut, which prompts everyone who sees me to say, "Whoa. . ." and ten seconds later, "You cut your hair. . . " and ten seconds later, "It looks cute." (Yes, it's short, and I love it. It reminds me of college.) Go out for Thai food with my family, trying to forget it's my birthday. Shop for quilt fabric, for an "I Spy" boy quilt. So fun!

Tuesday: Disneyland! All day. John and Cristin (brother and sister-in-law) bring their seven-month-old, Caleb, who is an angel the entire day. Anna, Sarah and Jonah have a blast, make no complaints, and don't even seem tired. We stay till closing time.

Wednesday: Buy the girls a guitar for their fifth birthday. Have a burgers-and-cake party in the back yard with a few friends. Eat dinner at church and watch a Beth Moore video for the first time with the women. (We'll be doing her Breaking Free study here next month.) Love it.

Thursday: Say good-bye, load up, and drive twelve hours back to the mountains.

Friday: Try to clean house and bake for the block party. Become violently ill, worse than I have ever felt, except when I was pregnant with twins. Oh, happy thought.

Today: BLOCK PARTY! Must bake!

I can't wait to catch up with all of you. I've been having withdrawals.


At 4:34 PM, Blogger Roxanne said...

So how was the party????


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