
Meet and Greet

Tonight, we're working with some old friends from college, as well as our new friends in town, to expand our borders.

It's the church's first ever block party.

The teenagers are passing out hundreds of fliers; the women are preparing mounds of potato salad, hamburgers, hot dogs, cookies, etc.; the band is on its way; and my husband is so excited I wouldn't be surprised to see him do a back flip.

What's thrilling me is how the teenagers, who are almost all brand-new believers, are showing a strong, new desire to see their friends and families come to know God. Two of the girls were over at our house yesterday, with their hands full of fliers, telling me all about their cousin, and their concerns and hopes for her to know Christ, as they do now. They've been talking with her about it during her visit here. (If you knew how these girls talked and acted a couple months ago, you'd be flabberghasted too.) They're hoping she'll show up tonight, and talk to me.

So we could use your prayer tonight. Much of the community thinks we're the same stodgy, old church that used to inhabit our building five years ago. We want people to see the new things God is doing in town, and have fun, and feel loved and welcome.

So pray the the band rocks out, and that the food is good and plenty, and that people see God in us.


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