
PETA's Smallest Enemies

Anna: Where does chicken meat come from?

Me: From chickens.

Anna: The animal chicken or the meat chicken?

Me: It's the same thing. They kill the chicken, and pull off its feathers, and cut off its head and feet, and then we buy it and cook it and eat it.

Jonah: I'm going to eat a cow! I kill the cow! Then I cook the cow! Then I eat the cow, and it YELLS in my mouth!

Me: Is the cow sad because you're eating it?

Jonah: Yes! And it yells in the field, because I shoot it with a gun! Pow! Pow!

Me: Well, I don't think they shoot it with a gun. I think they break its head with a hammer.

Anna: Pow! I shot a chicken.

Me: They don't shoot chickens either, honey.

Anna: Oh. . . Come here, little chicken! Come here! I won't hurt you. I just want to pet you. There you go. . . CUT! CUT! CUT!. . . I cut off his head and his legs and his feathers! Now I'm going to eat him-- Yum, yum, yum, yum. . .


At 6:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, your kids are AWESOME!

At 6:29 PM, Blogger Jenn said...

Inform them that chickens don't die that easily!

At 8:50 PM, Blogger lnstryker said...

Nathan just peed his pants laughing. hea also says that they kill the cows with a type of gun that is held against the cows temple but instead of a bullet there is a spring loaded rod that whacks the cow in the head and kills it...less messy than bullets

At 1:16 PM, Blogger Roxanne said...

and also much more successful than a hammer. . .

My husband says that PETA stands for "People Eating Tasty Animals."

We are carnivores 'round here too.


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