
Adventure Time

Nathan Stryker linked to this on his blog. So random. So fun.


At 1:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will watch this ASA Thad gets his "homework" done. He's home today with an eye thing--not pink eye thank all that is good and holy--but home even though we've seen no snow or sleet. I am going to try and get your box to le Post Office today--sorry it didn't get sent before the trip to Louisiana. . .oh. . .and I've been out of The South and transplanted to Texas for 15 years (which is NOT the same as The South) and I'm still Southern--so will you be, world without end, so says me. :)

At 9:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love weird random stuff like this...it's so nice to depart from the mainstream here and there. : )

At 10:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And your little box still sits in my house. It got JUST cold enough with JUST enough rain to strand us all at home today--fire in the fire place--about to cook lunch. . .maybe tomorrow?


The Blog Stalker :)
(that was for the man)

At 6:53 PM, Blogger ste-pha-nie said...

Too fun! Both W and Z watched with me, looking over my shoulders. W was busting out laughing! "Abraham Lincoln??" And why was there a pair of underwear on the floor of the icecastle?!


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