
The Talking Duck

Anna: Last night I dreamed that Sissy and Daddy had a giant refrigilator, and they had a giant duck for a pet! Mommy and me just had a regular refrigilator and a regular duck. But the duck and the refrigilator could talk!

Sarah: Did the duck talk like this: (robotic voice) "Quack, quack! Quack, quack! Quack, quack!"?

Anna: No. It was like--

Sarah: Like this: "Nagh, nagh! Nagh, nagh! Nagh, nagh!"

Anna: No, Sissy! Even refrigilators don't even say, "Refrigilator! Refrigilator! Refrigilator! Refrigilator!" They just make regular sounds. So in my dream they just talked regular.

Sarah: Like this: "Agh, agh! Agh, agh! Agh, agh!"

(Anna huffs and walks away.)


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