
Flesh Wound

Knight 1: Your whole arm's off!
Knight 2: Merely a flesh wound.

--Monty Python

Puncture wounds are entirely devoid of drama, apparently. When Jonah lacerated his chin, he got several shots for pain, and six stitches, which he slept through. That was a satisfactory amount of medical attention, to my mind. Address the pain; sew up the hole; send him home.

So today, I go to all the trouble of stabbing myself in the arm with a ten-inch piece of pointed glass, and, naturally, I expect a little hoopla when I arrive in the emergency room. I had all sorts of exciting symptoms like tingling, burning, numbness, inability to move my fingers. . . As far as my puny lay mind could discern, this was something of a big deal. Hello? There's a hole in my arm over an inch deep! Blood! Gore! Fix it!

You know what that doctor said to me? Soak it in epsom salts twice a day. Clean it with peroxide. Change the Band-Aid.

Dude. My grandma could have told me that. Sew up the hole!

So yeah. For all my trouble I got a lousy Band-Aid on my arm. And it hurts to type. And I feel like a big hypochondriac baby for making Jenn come over here and watch my kids while Jason rushed home from work. (Oh, and incidentally, she cleaned my house and cooked for my family while I was off getting soaked and bandaged. Yes, she is my friend.)


At 9:54 PM, Blogger lnstryker said...

Maybe you shouldn't be playing with shard pointy glass. :-) Why do you have to soak a cut in salt...ouch!! That just sounds mean.

At 10:11 PM, Blogger Rebecca said...

My pointy glass license has been decidedly revoked.

At 6:43 AM, Blogger Roxanne said...

I once completely (except for the tiniest margin of skin possible) ripped my toenail from my big toe. I paid BIG BUCKS for the doctor to apply a bandaid *TO HOLD THE DEFUNCT NAIL ON TO PROTECT MY TOE UNTIL IT EITHER FELL OFF OR A NEW ONE GREW IN* and prescribe elevation and ice for pain.

EGADS!!!! We don't even wince over child bearing, so you think we could get some love when we impale ourselves with big chunks of glass. :)

At 10:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aww. I hope your arm feels better soon...at least you have a clean house and good food to show for it...

At 12:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love that entire scene in Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Love that movie to bits, I tell you. Had to explain to my pre-adolescent, however, that oral sex meant kissing... groan.

Hope all heals well and quick. My grandma would've also advised "Eat lots of rich green veggies" for speedy healing :)

At 3:26 PM, Blogger Rebecca said...

I haven't seen the movie in at least six years, but I still remember so much of the dialogue! That one just sticks with you.

At 11:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

she didn't tell me about this!


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