
A Long Trip Home

  • Why does weather.com say "rain" when it always snows?
  • Why can't they see that the storm is hitting tonight, not tomorrow?
  • Why are the highway markings painted white?
  • Why does snow dump on one side of the hill and dust on the other?
  • Why are my "all-weather" tires worthless in snow?
  • Why can't they put up more of those reflector poles along the roadside, especially at crucial intersections?
  • Why can't my husband be home when I'm calling him from a snowbound parking lot in the middle of nowhere?
  • WHY?

Edit: I shouldn't leave it that way. God answered my calls tonight. Just when I thought we would have to sit tight and wait for help, the snow let up enough for me to see my way home. Thank you, God.


At 5:17 PM, Blogger Roxanne said...

For the EXACT same reason that it's 82 degrees in Houston on the same day in November that you had snow.

Glad that God led you gently home. . .


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