

I just made a radio station that only plays songs in a minor key. You've got to check this out!

You put in the name of a song or artist, and it creates a streaming selection of songs in that style, many of which you've probably never heard. It was started by the Music Genome Project, which researches the common denominators in differing types of music, and seeks to explain why people prefer certain styles over others.

My favorite Christmas stations are the ones I got when I put in "Oh Come, Oh Come, Immanuel" by Third Day, and "Let it Snow" by Bing Crosby.

It asks for feedback about which songs you enjoy or hate, and it adjusts the list accordingly. How cool is that?


At 4:09 PM, Blogger Roxanne said...

AWESOME. . .I am listening to James Taylor "Sun on the Moon." It's from one of the tapes I wore out and never replaced. . .I have a friend who has mentioned Pandora but I had forgotten about it.

I love it.

At 4:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember Andreia (fromthekitchenwindow.blogspot.com) mentioning this some time ago. Glad to be reminded again! How did you make a radio station that only plays songs in a minor key?!


At 7:01 PM, Blogger Rebecca said...

Roxanne-- I've had James Taylor on one of the Christmas stations a few times, playing "Go Tell It on the Mountain." Nice.

Stephanie-- I entered Evanescence, and tada! all minor. :)

At 8:18 PM, Blogger Roxanne said...

He also does a nice "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas."

At 7:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very cool!! Thanks for sharing this. Now I can find new music to put on my ipod! Woohoo!

"Oh Come, oh Come, Immanuel" has got to be one of my favorite Christmas songs too- but I like the version done by a now defunct band called Chasing Furies.


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