

I've been tagged by SarahGrace to reveal five things I've never shared on this blog. Aye, aye, Cap'n!

  1. I LOVE moving. Not the process itself, but leaving the familiar behind and starting over in a new place with new people.
  2. I will feel like I have failed at life if I don't have at least one novel out by the time I'm 35. I'm working on a very intimidating one at the moment, but I think it has a chance of being completed.
  3. I never use profanity, but I can't seem to keep it out of my fiction, and that bothers me.
  4. I once took a solemn vow never to marry. A month later I was head-over-heels for this misogynist preacher boy from my theology classes, and feeling idiotic for vowing anything. That lasted exactly one month. After that I was off to Hong Kong for a semester, where I lived across the hall from my future husband and never dated him, until we were married. And the moral of the story: Don't make solemn vows in college.
  5. I quit writing poetry because I realized no one reads it, except literary scholars, and because I'm losing faith in art for the sake of art.

I must be in a bad mood, because that's an awfully negative list. But there it is.


At 3:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I once thought God told me I was going to marry a man named Todd Simmons (please don't tell me you know someone with this name, ha ha!)- Needless to say, my hubby's name is Kevin...so we all know how that turned out.

Oh, and don't lose faith in art for art's sake! Beauty is so important, whether it's written or visual. : ) From one artist to another.

At 7:42 PM, Blogger Roxanne said...

Oh. . .the vows I vowed between the ages of 18 and 21. . .not for the faint of heart is the end of adolescence. . .and exactly WHOSE IDEA WAS IT to let 18 years olds move away from their parents and go be alone in big buildings with other people just as earnest and as dumb as they are????

At 7:57 PM, Blogger Rebecca said...

LOL! I've wondered that too. My roommate and I were the quietest people in our dorm, but we still managed to blunder into stupidity. And I was only 17 when I started. I had to have a signed permission slip to go anywhere.


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