

Three reasons why Jonah almost died at breakfast:

  • "Shut up, Mommy."
  • "You're not the boss."
  • "Shut up, Mommy." (again)

At first, I thought I must have heard him wrong. Surely, my son could not be suicidal at the age of two. So I asked him to repeat himself. He whispered the words, wide-eyed, obviously aware of how mutinous they were, awestruck by his own bravado, "Shut up? Mommy?"

It was as though he were politely asking, "Mommy? Would you please kill me?" (Then again, if he actually said, "Please kill me," I would refuse. Whereas, "Shut up, Mommy," is a much more convincing death wish.)

Not ten minutes later, he struck gold again. I said (very calmly, I might add), "Jonah, finish your cereal." To which Jonah replied, cringing, "You're not the boss."

"What?" I said.

"Shut up, Mommy."

Oh, no he didn't.

It occurred to me-- if I lived in 2006 B.C., my son would be stoned by the village elders.


At 6:21 PM, Blogger Jessica said...

I feel your pain! My oldest only told me to shut-up once...my husband washed her mouth out with zest bar soap...she's never done it again.

At 7:06 PM, Blogger Rebecca said...

Jessica-- Thanks for commiserating. I wish I had thought of that earlier!

At 9:23 PM, Blogger Rebecca said...

LOL-- I was chanting that to myself this morning... Must not kill boy... must not kill boy...

At 10:05 AM, Blogger Jen said...

Sorry I haven't read for a while. Your kids are so funny....you describe their personalities well. Megan almost signed a death wish yesterday. She was riding in the van with my parents, and she screamed at the top of her lungs for no reason. SHHHHHH my day says. "Don't you shush me!" Megan said back. They didn't tell me what happened next....they probably don't want me to know.

At 2:44 PM, Blogger sarahgrace said...

It's so startling when they do this for the first (or maybe not) time. I remember looking at my boys as infants thinking, I can't possible imagine ever having to discipline these little angels...
...to bad they don't stay that innocent forever. Then again, I wouldn't want to have to deal with three feeding a night forever either. ; )

At 3:53 PM, Blogger Diane Viere said...

Thanks for the smiles........what a great sense of humor you have. Your two year old is a lucky--lucky boy!


At 7:50 PM, Blogger Rebecca said...

Jen-- That's scary. If one of my parents heard that from my kids, their heads would spin. :)

Sarah-- Yeah, I'm hoping this was the first and LAST incident, but you know boys. They can be a little hard-headed sometimes. He was the sweetest, happiest baby, and now he's two. Sigh.

PFYP-- Thanks for stopping in!


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