
Faux Pas

Anna and Sarah were playing tea party upstairs at their table. They invited Jonah to join them.

A few minutes later, they were yelling, "No, Jonah! No! Not the teapot! Pour it in a cup! No, don't drink from the teapot!"

Then both girls came running downstairs to report the bad news. "Jonah drank out of the teapot, and now the tea is all gone!" They waited breathlessly for me to storm upstairs and mete out justice.

"Okay. . ." I said. "Since it's only pretend tea, why don't you pretend he didn't drink it?"

"No, he drank it all gone, out of the teapot!"

"Okay. . . Just pretend that he didn't."

"But he did!"

"The tea doesn't really exist, so he didn't really drink it."

"But he did!"

"Maybe you should play fireman."


At 1:18 PM, Blogger lnstryker said...

haha! When i taught preschool I had a little boy who was pretending to play with a lizard. Another little boy ran up and took the "lizard" out of his hand and was taunting the first boy who was crying. Then he "ate" the lizard casuing the boy to scream even more. I was trying hard not to laugh when I told Mathew to not eat other people's pretend lizards.

At 4:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my...yes, that is when you turn to diversions...like playing fireman ; ).


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