
On My Way

I got something special in my post office box tonight: my first rejection slip from a publisher. I am so thrilled!

Jason was laughing at me in the van because I was almost in tears (happy ones) poring over that stupid little form letter. I put it away in my hope chest to keep.

It's going to take years of trying and lots more slips before I actually sell anything, but now I feel like I've started.

Now I need to revise, rewrite, and send it off again! Plus, I'm feeling extra motivated to start mapping out that young adult novel I've been mulling over for a year now.

Woo-hoo for my first rejection! Yeah!


At 11:43 PM, Blogger Pastor Fred said...

At lease you know someone took time to send you a rejection slip rather they read it or not. Keep it up, your writing is good. Someone more official than your friends will recognize it.

At 4:56 AM, Blogger Roxanne said...

Hey. . .good for you. That rejection slip means that at least you tried. . .and it also means you are happy with your work even if no one has quite found a spot for it yet!!!

At 8:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

that is so coo!!...i hope u get to publish something soon!!!!! :)

At 11:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is great!! I love your attitude!


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