
The Please Monster

Naiah has learned to say 'please.' This ought to be good news. However, in the hands of something as small and unassuming as Naiah, 'please' (or 'pwees' to be more accurate) becomes an irresistable weapon of persuasion, something like Jedi mind control, relying on cuteness rather than the Force.

Example: Due the persistent, whispered use of "up, pwees," I now spend much more time holding her than I can afford. If I ignore or decline her polite requests and upturned hands, I am subjected first to the lip, and then to the wail, which effectively says, "I'm using the manners and language you taught me, and you either don't understand what I'm trying to say, or you don't care!" And of course I cannot allow her to begin to believe that manners and language are ineffective in achieving their desired result, so I cave.

This strategy also works with food ('pwees,' accompanied by decisive pointing), which explains why she ate two and a half bananas today, and with toys, which explains why her siblings are doing much more sharing lately. The Force is strong with this one.


At 8:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, by the way: your quilt photo is gone because it was being hosted as part of my Typepad account.

You'll need to host it somewhere else. Let me know if you need help with that.

At 7:01 PM, Blogger Roxanne said...

I bet the force Naiah wields has something to do with being absolutely adorable. . .

At 11:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's always a double-edged sword isn't it? Hee hee...


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