Fix It
Jonah brought me a toy brush. "Can you fix my hair?"
"Sure," I said. I swiped the brush across his head a few times. "There you go."
"Did you fix it?"
He touched his head. "You fixed it! It's not broken!"
Family, art, books, faith, cookies, bills... Everything in its place. I hope.
Jonah brought me a toy brush. "Can you fix my hair?"
Well, my parents started the trip back to Ojai tonight. They'll stay overnight somewhere, a few hours from here, and get home in the afternoon tomorrow. I'm sadder than usual about their departure. It was fun introducing them to everyone at the church plant and the mother church.
It just gets weirder. The day before yesterday, I could not see a way in heck to make a dent in the towering mess that had overtaken my house. But yesterday, for no apparent reason, it suddenly made sense. Over the course of the day, I put the whole house to rights. I wish I could predict the days when I'll be able to think like a normal person, so I could plan to have company then.
Papa and Grammie brought Anna and Sarah home yesterday. They're staying the weekend with us now, and heading back down to Ojai on Monday.
I am NOT an organizer.
On the walk home from church, Jason and I were arguing about whether our neighbors, Heidi and Jim, got married today or two days ago. When we arrived at our yard, Heidi was standing outside her front door.
Well, I've been tagged by Sarah Grace. This has never happened to me before. I feel so bloggish.
The A-Z Tag Meme
Accent: Valley girl (when I'm excited), a touch of Southern drawl (when in Rome), blank Californian, mostly.
Bible Book that I like: Isaiah
Chore I don’t care for: Anything that requires organizational skills: putting away books, toys, dishes, laundry. Actually, anything that requires putting away.
Dog or Cat: No way, Jose. Maybe when we own a home.
Essential Electronics: DVD player, so Jonah will lie down in the afternoon.
Favorite Movie: Pride & Prejudice (the 6 hour A&E version), although the new version is growing on me.
Gold or Silver: Silver
Handbag I Carry Most Often: Brown, leather Mervynn's messenger bag. Frumpy.
Insomnia: Not so much this week. Naiah decided to start sleeping at night!
Job Title: Zookeeper
Kids: Anna and Sarah (age 4), Jonah (age 2), Naiah (age 1)
Living Arrangements: Rental that resembles a large gingerbread house.
Most Memorable Moment: Meeting my Texan husband for the first time at Hong Kong International Airport. I sat right next to him and said (in my best valley girl accent), "Oh, you have a guitar! I'm going to like you!"
Naughtiest Childhood Behavior: In second grade, I stole a plastic flamingo pen from a boy named Ryan. I was normally so well-behaved that the teacher accused Ryan of lying when he told her I had taken it. He burst into tears, and she yelled at him, demanding that he admit to lying, but he just sobbed more loudly. Finally, she asked me one more time if I had done it, and I confessed. Then the teacher burst into tears.
Phobia: Water. Well, really it's drowning. Mostly kids drowning.
Overnight Hospital Stays: The twins, the boy, the girl.
Quote: For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your forefathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect. He was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for your sake. Through him you believe in God, who raised him from the dead and glorified him, and so your faith and hope are in God.
1 Pet 1:18-21
Religion: Active faith in Jesus as the only life, and only way to God.
Siblings: John (spiffy rocker, youth pastor, younger brother)
Time I Wake Up: Between 6:30 and 9:00. Preferably 9:00, but usually 7:30.
Unusual Talent: Hand-quilting, which is more old-fashioned than unusual, I suppose.
Vegetable I Refuse to Eat: Beets
Worst Habit: SUGAR.
X-rays: Orthodontal.
Yummy Stuff I Cook: French apple pies, oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, blondies, brown-sugar pound cake. . . Did I mention I have a sugar problem?
Zoo Animal I Like Most: The monkeys. They remind me of home.
Naiah is thirteen months old today.
The girls have been discovering their neater sides at Grammie's house this past week. . . folding and putting away clothes, keeping the play room tidy, making their bed, etc. They are thoroughly enjoying it all.
Last night I walked into Jonah's room and found him sitting up in bed with the lights on.
Jonah was tearing around the house after his nap. He stopped in front of Naiah, snatched up his stick horse, and growled, "Mine!"
Our friends Maggie (age 5) and Abbie (age 2) came over and played with Jonah today.
Anna and Sarah are spending two weeks at my parents' house on their own. They couldn't wait for me to leave them there. Every day they were saying things like, "Are you leaving yet?" or "When are you and Jonah and Naiah going back to the mountains?" I would have been hurt by it if I didn't recognize myself in it. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, I guess.
My goodness! How do you keep up with the flow of comedy always gushing around you all the time? I cannot remember 90% of all I laugh at. Daddy and I are very much enjoying the girls. Here is two things I thought were very sweet and cute.
Dear God. Thank you for all the people. Thank you for letting our room become the play room. And thank you for letting Mommy's room and Mommy's bed become our bed. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Me: (To you) "Bye, Sweetie"
Anna: Why did you say, "sweetie"?
Me: Because your mommy is my sweetie. She was my baby when she was little, so I call her "sweetie".
Anna: You call me "sweetie" too.
Me: Yes, I do.
Anna: (Very confidantly) But Sissy and I are your Grand- sweeties!
Thank you for letting us enjoy them for the next two weeks. I'm sure we will have many memories that we will have for many years to come as a result. What little "sweeties"!!
I cannot tell you how dizzy I am. It's kind of hard to type, actually. I had plenty of energy for the whole twelve-hour trip, but as soon as I stepped out of the van, it all hit me at once. Whew!
Overheard at the parade. . .